Saturday, February 15, 2025 

Who We Are
    Our Pastors
    The Five Solas
    Why Shepherd's Fellowship Exists
Where We Meet
What We Believe
    The London Baptist Confession of Faith
    Detailed Statement Of Faith
Ruling Principles

The seeds of Shepherd's Fellowship were planted in the fall of 2004 when a few families began meeting in Sterling and Bronni VanDerwerker's home. Their desire was to assemble together for Sunday worship while seeking God's wisdom and direction in forming a church that would be committed to the Word of God, prayer, and God's glory over all things.

Shepherd's Fellowship Baptist Church formally began in the Spring of 2005. Since that time, four men have been recognized, trained, ordained, and installed as elders. Two have since gone on to other works. Pastor Sterling VanDerwerker retired from service in February, 2017. Pastor Jeff Burns continues to serve today.

In the short existence of Shepherd's Fellowship, God's work has been evident: saints edified, families strengthened, the good news preached to the lost, and believers equipped for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. It is exciting to consider what God may be pleased to do through this body of believers in the future. Our desire is that He would be honored every step of the way.