Wednesday, January 15, 2025 

Sermons (Tape/CD)
Links to Christian Sites
Recommended Readings
    Book List

Below are some web sites you may find useful for your spiritual growth.

Generally speaking these sites are consistent with the doctrinal stance of Shepherd's Fellowship on the essentials of biblical Christianity. However, we recommend that you always be discerning and compare any teaching with the sole authority, the Word of God.




Christian Links:

Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals

Alpha & Omega Ministries

Answers in Genesis

Bible Bulletin Board

Biblical Studies

The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform

Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics

Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts

Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

Christian Communicators Worldwide

The Church on the Threshold (

The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

Creation Ministries International

Department of Christian Defense

Desiring God

Faith Defenders

Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals

Founders Ministries

Grace To You

Spurgeon Archive

Heal Our Land Ministries

In-Depth Studies

Institute for Creation Research

The King James Only Resource Center

Ligonier Ministries

Mark Dever's Nine Marks Ministries

Mount Zion Online

Association of Certified Biblical Counselors

One Blood

Providence Theological Seminary

A Puritan's Mind

Apologia Radio


Cross to Crown Ministries

Sovereign Grace Ministries

Stand to Reason

Van Til - Christian Apologist

Watchman Fellowship

Way To God


Purchase Resources:

Cumberland Valley Bible Book Service

Grace Books International

Trinity Book Service